Lifting and handling solutions for maintenance work, repair, inspection in restricted spaces (silos, industrial chimneys/boilers, storage tanks), shipyards, nuclear power plants, dams, etc.
The Fixator benefits

Made in France
Products designed, manufactured and assembled in France.

Work safely with Fixator products. Ensure the health of your employees.

Going faster, higher and more efficiently: this is the challenge of the products offered

Custom made
Innovative products developed to allow the best adaptability to the challenges of the industrial sector
Fireplace / Boiler
FIXATOR offers a range of specific lifting equipment allowing the carrying out of repair work on barrels, smoke ducts, replacement of means of access and maintenance of large industrial boilers and chimneys.
For inspection work requiring restricted access systems, we offer lifting devices for one or two people maximum: modular nacelle, individual manual fifth wheel with manual winch or individual motorized fifth wheel with electric winch.
For lifting equipment, we also offer winches for buidling and construction sites with different load capacities, with more or less rapid lifting speeds, depending on the needs of your site.
Our solutions can be standard or custom-made according to very precise technical specifications in order to perfectly meet your needs according to the complexities of the work to be carried out. For example, our suspended scaffolding can be composed ofadjustable angles or designed to pass through manholes. Our team is at your disposal for further information if necessary.
FIXATOR offers specific height access systems dedicated to the insulation of storage tanks and maintenance of industrial installations (fuel storage parks, storage terminals or ports).
The use of our suspended platforms (suspended scaffolding) equipped with manual winches, electric winches or pneumatic winches, allows safe access to the entire surface of a tank and the carrying out of work such as stripping dresses, surface treatment , painting of tanks, replacement of portions of tank shells, etc.
Many of our customers have encountered hanging difficulties on site. Faced with these recurring problems, we have developed a specific range of anchoring system on roof of storage tanks.
For carrying out silo maintenance work, FIXATOR designs small motorized or manual platforms and attachments (parapet clamps, davit arms, overhang parapet clamps). We also offer a range of material lifting winches that can be used temporarily or installed on site for daily use lifting loads ranging from 90 to 1500 kg.
Depending on the architecture of the concrete silos, we can offer you suspended platforms custom-made and study a specific hanging system together.
Our team is at your disposal for further information if necessary.
Nuclear center
As part of iterative use, for carrying out inspection and maintenance work on power plants (enclosing wall, cooling tower walls, double containment jackets, etc.), FIXATOR offers a range of temporary suspended platforms and permanent nacelles, which can be installed inside or outside the building.
To meet the technical constraints and safety standards required in the field of electricity production, FIXATOR offers standard products (platforms, winches, hanging systems) or made to measure, according to precise technical specifications. Each specific file is followed jointly by our sales department and our design office. Our team is at your disposal for further information if necessary.
FIXATOR designs height access systems for carrying out inspection work on hydraulic dams.
We offer you a wide range of man-riding baskets, bosun chairs and suspended platforms, equipped with manual, electric or pneumatic winches with passing cables.
Our solutions can be standard or custom-made according to very precise technical specifications in order to perfectly meet your needs according to the complexities of the work to be carried out on your dam. Our team is at your disposal for further information if necessary.
We commonly design a suspended platform suitable for carrying out work on an inclined plane.