Lifting and handling solutions for installation, maintenance and repair work in the field of infrastructure (stadiums, airports, bridges): nacelles for lighting pylons, platforms on inclined planes, under-lead hooks for difficult-to-access places, and others.
The Fixator benefits

Made in France
Products designed, manufactured and assembled in France.

Work safely with Fixator products. Ensure the health of your employees.

Going faster, higher and more efficiently: this is the challenge of the products offered

Custom made
Innovative products developed to allow the best adaptability to the challenges of the infrastructure sector
Stadiums – Airports – Stations
Lighting tower nacelle
FIXATOR's large lighting mast pods are specially designed to mount alongside lighting pylons in stadiums, port areas, airports or industrial sites.
The lighting pylon nacelles are equipped with an electric winch allowing an ascent at 9m/min with great stability.
Our nacelles are manufactured according to specific specifications, based on the technical and dimensional characteristics of your lighting pylon.
We offer permanent suspended platforms (or permanent suspended scaffolding) for carrying out recurring maintenance work on your buildings.
Lighting tower nacelle
FIXATOR's large lighting mast pods are specially designed to mount alongside lighting pylons in stadiums, port areas, airports or industrial sites.
Our nacelles are manufactured according to specific specifications, based on the technical and dimensional characteristics of your lighting pylon.
Channel dredger basket
Being aware that standardized lifting solutions cannot always meet your needs when carrying out specific work (complex architecture of buildings, almost inaccessible work spaces, etc.), we design tailor-made equipment, according to specifications. loads defined jointly with the design office and your teams.
Our goal is to study your projects down to the smallest detail and offer you personalized support based on your real needs.
Inclined platform
The suspended platforms on inclined planes that we design are very modular and allow work to be carried out on different inclined planes in places that are difficult to access.
Our suspended inclined plane platforms are mainly made of aluminum and can be assembled easily and quickly using pin and/or pin systems.
Our adjustable inclined plane suspended platforms are made up of aluminum modules from 1 to 3 meters long and can be assembled in configurations ranging from 2 to 16 meters long.
Our scaffolding is made up of two electric lifting winches (e.lift 501) and two fall protection devices (securichute 600) on double safety and work cables.
Hangings under lead
Our parapet clamps by bridge allow you to suspend a temporary platform to carry out work on bridges, industrial installations, storage tanks and specific buildings.
The under-lead console is mainly installed below the installations and is used in addition to our FIXAPOUTRE suspension systems or Parapet console.
Platform under bridge
Consult us.